the DRAWING ROOM _Fees & Design Stages

We always look to keep our fees as competitive as we can. We keep our overheads to a minimum and work as efficiently as possible in order to give us the more time on the bit that counts - the design. While working up a design, we look for opportunities to not only deliver your brief but opportunities that may lift the design and bring a little delight. We often find that a few small details can really elevate a design, make a space feel all the more special and even add value.

[2019] As you may have seen on our “about us” page, I have recently downsized the scale and scope of the DRAWING ROOM to only take on smaller projects.

For a typical domestic extension with associated internal reconfiguration, our fees are broken down into key design stages, listed below. Every project is different so I’m afraid it’s difficult to provide a price-list on here. But just give me a call for a rough estimate over the phone or to arrange an initial site visit so we can understand your brief and provide a fixed fee.

  • Initial Meeting

    - To visit you and your property, and to discuss your brief. We do this free of charge and we follow this up with a fixed fee proposal.

  • Basic Measured Survey

    - To measure up internal rooms and external features in order to draw up the existing plans and elevations as required for planning / building regs.

  • Initial Design Proposals

    - Explore and present initial ideas for the both the internal layout and external appearance including 3D sketch model.

  • Planning Application

    - Prepare all planning drawings inc. site plan, existing and proposed plans & elevations, complete the application form and online submission on your behalf via the planning portal, and monitor the application for you.

  • Technical Drawings

    - Prepare drawings for both building control and construction purposes, including coordination with Structural Engineer and Building Control submission on your behalf.

We also offer design consultation on an ad hoc basis (half day or full day) to talk through your ideas, offer advice and help you make design decisions. We’re happy to help with any design based dilemmas …even modelling ideas for the landscaping design of your garden!

For a bit of insight on the value an Architect can bring and what Architect’s Fees include, see this link

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